Solar Powered RV Battery Charging Systems

Uni-solar Panel
68 Watt Power Rating (4 Amp Charging Rate).
Lightweight and Flexible.
Easy Peel and Stick Application or Roll Up When Not In Use.
Virtually Unbreakable (No Glass)
Shadow and High Heat Tolerant
15.5" by 112" (9'4")

Data Sheet



Keep It Simple

This is the simplest solution. When combined with one Uni-Solar Panel, you have every thing you need to keep your battery topped up.

Data Sheet


Show and Grow

This package allows you to check on the status of your batteries and charging system from a remote monitoring panel inside your RV. It can charge two battery banks and allows expansion up to five Uni-Solar Panels giving you a maximum of 25 Amp. Charging Rate.

Data Sheet

Starter Kit

Expansion Kit
Extra Solar Panel
(Up to 4 Allowed)

           124 Watt Panel

Controller Data Sheet       24 Volt Uni-Solar Panel Data Sheet

Special Deal

Due to a special purchase on a 128 Watt, 24 Volt Uni-Solar Panel, we can offer a deal on a system.  The 24 Volt panel requires a different Charge Controller to connect to a 12 volt battery system.  The panel is 15.5" by 197" (16' 4")

Two panels can be connected with this charge controller for a total of 248 Watts.

124 Watt System

248 Watt System